It was warmer and less windy than predicted, so got myself really good and dirty!! Loved it!! Needed to be done and I needed the exercise and to be outdoors. With all the windows open the "girls" loved it but kept crying to be outside with me.
The birds were glad when I finished as they were hungry and thirsty too! (I feed them and have water for them Cleaned off the porch and got down webs and dust around all the windows and doors, picked up all trash the wind had blown in and started on the trash and junk around the "barn". Even got all the Christmas stuff put back up in the loft of the "barn" (actually a storage shed that looks like a barn).
Then the yard guy came and really did all the hard work, got the weeds (that I had not dug up) cut down, all the leaves and twigs all gone and carted off to the dump. He will be back next week to trim back some tree limbs, etc and to rebuild my mailbox post!
I got my plants all redone and fed and watered and am pleased with the outcome. Sure feels good to have it all done, now just waiting for the real lawn to awaken and make it all pretty and green.
Well, off to do the chores that I did not get finished yesterday, expecting company tomorrow and want my home fresh and clean. Gotta watch the Daytona 500 and then the Oscars are tomorrow night! So not gonna do much but pig out and watch TV and visit with Kaye and Randy!
Chat more later y'all, have a terrific weekend and make lots of memories to share!
Here's a couple of photos of my cake...will post some of the flowers when the sun is up a little higher so I can take some photos! Luv! Mat