Friday, January 8, 2010

Bitter Cold!!

Let's see, we had over 250 school closings yesterday and several businesses closed because we had a shower go through here just before the temps startting dropping below freezing causing ice on the overpasses! The temps were 26 with a fierce wind chill of 17. By 10 a.m. the dewpoint had dropped so the wetness disappeared as did all the ice that was "treated", but the temps just kept on dropping and dropping still. This morning, the temp was 17 with a windchill of 0, not gotten out of the 20's today even with some sunshine now. It is to drop to 14 tonight and maybe get above freezing by tomorrow afternoon, just before the Cowboy playoffs, then right back down to 19 degrees. Wednesday we will be back to 60! Ya think I am a cry baby???? Nope, even those "yankee's" that live down here now say "it was never this COLD up north with all the snow". Yep, that wet cold with the 30 plus mph winds goes right through the clothes, thermals and YOUR BONES! I've been so very good, just staying in and in front of the burning fireplace. LOL! Yep, I am a wuzz when it comes to cold weather, so...not going might ask what I have been doing?? Duh! Scrapping!! Here's some proof. I made a wedding album for my friend Nina's daughter Tammy. We took all the photos back in April of 2006. We had a Photobook made from ScrapbooksPlease of these. You can tell I used a lot of kits and a lot of Linda's beautiful wordart. I thank all designers for the use of their freebies, without you I would be lost. Hope you are in and staying warm, if not come this way by Wednesday when the heat wave comes in. At least all the snow and ice is gone, now if we could just slow down those winds....LOL! Chat with y'all later! Luv, Mat

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