Friday, November 23, 2012

Hello Y'all!

Hello to all of you! Hope you had a marvelous Thanksgiving with all your family and friends. I did not cook this year, or go out....first in 40+ years.  I had my procedure on my back Wednesday morning and it required that I pretty much be in a prone position for 48 hours. Boy, do I feel better today! I just got out of the shower and thought I'd spend a couple of minutes on here. Have to do this in increments until the first of next week, then I can do what I want, when I want again.  It is so very nice to be able to stand up and not feel my legs give way or having to grasp onto something so I don't fall.  Not a pain pill one....and I feel a lot better. I did not miss Thanksgiving though, Nina brought me a full dinner plate plus (boy was it good too!) and another friend shared a deep fried turkey with me. I lay on the couch with all my girls surrounding me and watched the parade and the ballgames, then the results of X Factor and later another ball game. I slept quiet a bit, but had lots of phone calls and texts from family and friends and even my boss.  It was a great day all in all and I am so very thankful for all my blessings. Especially being pain free this morning! Now, not to overdo it, I will cut this short and go take a little rest on the bed.  You will be sick of me after a few more days of rest! ....LOL! Hope you all are still making memories to share! Love all of you and thanks so much for your friendship. Later, Mat


  1. Boa tarde, querida Mat! Você está muito bem nesta foto, está muito bonita!
    Estou muito ocupada com meu marido, cuidando dele. Mais terde vou levá-lo na médica para ela avaliar a convalescença dele.
    Obrigada pelo carinho. Fico feliz porque você está se restabelecendo otimamente da cirurgia.
    Estou preparando o MIX NATAL 2, amanhã ou depois eu publico.
    Um abraço, Neli.

  2. You really sound so happy after the back procedure!
    It must be a totally new experience to be able to stand on your feet without problems again!
    But be careful, take the rest that is needed, then you should be tip top again in a few days!
    Oh and by the way, we never get sick of you LOL!
    Have a marvellous weekend.

  3. So glad that every thing went well with your surgery and that you are feeling so much better.
    We had a great Thanksgiving at our house too, spent time with the family. Getting Christmas decorations up and trying to stay warm. LOL
    Talk to you later, have a great day!
    Hugs Donna

  4. Olá, minha amiga Mat!
    Como você está hoje? Espero que esteja cada vez melhor.
    Querida amiga, tenho estado com muito sono, pois estou dormindo tarde e acordando muito cedo para colocar a medicação no olho em que fez a cirurgia.
    Mais tarde vou colocar Céci e Sophie no banco traseiro do meu carro e vou passear um pouco com elas( elas gostam de colocar o focinho na janela e ficarem com as orelhas ao vento).
    Vou tentar terminar o MIX NATAL 2 2 publicar no meu blog hoje.
    Querida Mat, tenha um domingo maravilhoso! Um grande abraço, Neli.
