Monday, May 20, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

Boy are the wishes coming in today, lots on here, lots on Facebook and even by e-mail. Thank you for all the fabulous wishes, I need them for sure! Now I am officially at full retirement age. Yes, I know I am not an old woman.......NOT ON YOUR LIFE!  At times I feel 30, then at other times I feel my age or older! LOL! Such is life right? It is all our frame of mind! Here's 2 pages I received this morning, the top one was by e-mail from my lovely friend Kyra in Holland. The white roses are from my Facebook account from my sweet friend Neli in Brazil. For a real treat, check out Miriam's Scraps for the special greeting she sent me!
 Love all the hugs and warm wishes, y'all all know how to make a girl feel special! Chat more later! Hugs, Mat


  1. Querida amiga Mat, Feliz Aniversário novamente!
    Amei a GIF de Miriam, linda!
    Amiga Mat, que Deus a abençoe muito e lhe dê muitos anos de vida, com alegria, amor, paz e felicidade e muita saúde!
    Abraços, com carinho, Neli.
    P.S. Coma um pedaço de bolo por mim!

  2. I'm late, but I sincerly hope that your Birthday was an especially Happy Day. I am so glad to hear that you were safe from the tornadoes. When I hear the weather reports, I worry. I'm looking forward to your photos of the new kittens. Stay safe my friend, Hugs, Edna B.

  3. Happy Birthday Mat, Hope you had a wonderful Birthday, wishing you all the best in Health, Wealth and Happiness!


  4. Mat Dear friend, Happy Birthday again!
    GIF loved Miriam, beautiful!
    Mat girlfriend, bless her a lot and give you many years of life with joy, love, peace and happiness and good health!
    Hugs, fondly, Neli.
    P. S. Eat a piece of cake for me!
