Tuesday, June 4, 2013

All Aboard!!

This past Sunday I went on a vintage train trip with  my "sister" Nina and her 3 granddaughters, Elizabeth, Brittany and Lilly! The train depot is in Grapevine and travels to the Historic Stockyards in Fort Worth! We rode in the open car coach since it was a lovely day with a slight breeze and NO humidity. (A first in several weeks!) This was a first time trip for Lilly and me. We had a blast and were even stopped by "train robbers" on horse back and even the sheriff came on the train to try and catch the "bandits".  There was lots of gun fire and horses and chaos as the sheriff came aboard and "deputized" all the kids including Lilly! Whew what fun we had!! When we got to the Stockyards we ate at Riscky's BBQ, toured the Candy Barrel store (where each girl got a bag of candy of choice)...we watched the cowboys driving LONGhorns down the middle of the street, then it was time to re-board and head back to Grapevine. We took lots of photos and had lots of laughs and fun just being out in the open air. We waved at folks sitting in their cars at crossings until our arms were tired! LOL! Truly a memorable day for all! I created a small brag book for Lilly using a freebie gift from c4m appropriately called Choo Choo! Thought I would post it here also so all could see what fun we had. Gonna hush for now, get some things accomplished and will chat more with you later! Hugs for all! Mat
Lilly is texting her mom (in Georgia) that we are about to get on the train.
Lilly with Brittany and Elizabeth sitting across from us as we are starting to move!
 The "Train Robbers" the one with Lilly gave her money instead of taking it away! :)

Lilly is seeking security from Granny and the sheriff is still searching for the bandit.
Lilly got to scratch this horse's nose and here is her badge and money.
This was after the train robbery and Lilly decided she had fun and was not afraid.
from my seat I could see the front and the rear of the train.
Here's the cowboys driving the longhorns, they sure do have really long horns.
Lilly being silly for Granny and Brittany looking on.
A big Double Thumbs Up from Granny, Lilly and Me! LOL!!


  1. Querida amiga Mat, boa tarde!
    Estive aqui rapido pela manhã, mas não deu tempo de comentar. Amei esse passeio que você fez, deve ter sido muito divertido!
    Querida e doce amiga, minha neta ficou noiva e estamos escolhendo o enxoval, não tenho muito tempo, só para atualizar meu blog, às vezes...
    Para complicar tudo, estou gripada, pois esqueci de me vacinar contra gripe. Aqui no Brasil ninguém deixa de ir ao trabalho ou à escola por estar gripado, então a gripe se espalha pela população. Vou tomar dipirona para dor de cabeça e me arrumar para ir ao shopping com minha neta Rebecca daqui a pouco, pois preciso que ela escolha roupa de cama, mesa e banho.
    Obrigada por seus comentários carinhosos, querida amiga, eles me alegram muito e me deixam feliz.
    Um grande abraço, Neli.

  2. Looking at the photos it is obvious that you all are having great fun! Isn;t it wonderful to be a bit kid again LOL!?
    Such kind of trips always stay in your memorie, and they should!
    Thanks for you visit to my blog, always love to read your comments!

  3. What fun you all must have had on your train ride. Your layouts are wonderful. I'm sure Lilly will cherish her little book for a long time. You have a wonderful day, hugs, Edna B.

  4. Dear friend Mat, good afternoon!
    I've been here fast in the morning but did not have time to comment. Loved this tour you did, must have been fun!
    Dear, sweet friend, my granddaughter got engaged and we are choosing the outfit, do not have much time, just to update my blog, sometimes ...
    To complicate matters, I have the flu, because I forgot to vaccinate against influenza. Here in Brazil nobody gets to go to work or school because of flu, then the flu spreads through the population. I'll take dipyrone for headache and get ready to go to the mall with my granddaughter Rebecca soon, because I need her to choose bedding, bath and table.
    Thanks for your loving comments, dear friend, they cheer me on and make me happy.
    A big hug, Neli.
